In New Zealand, people are not punctual basically. They think it is not lateness by 30 minutes. For example, bus is usually late about 10 or 20 minutes! I can’t believe! In Japan, it is impossible. If a bus late in time, most Japanese people annoy! Next, door of toilet that is not using, we have to open the door. If it closed, people think it is using. So, a lot of cases, doors have not a key. It is very different point from Japan.
Then, in New Zealand, when people wash dishes, they don’t rinse the dishes. It is only to soak dishes in warm water with a detergent. It is marvelous! Never think in Japan! There are many difference customs between New Zealand and Japan. It is interesting!

2 件のコメント:
Your blog is nice! There are very differences costoms bitween New Zealand and Japan. It's interesting for me(・∀・)b
Buses in my town also late 5 to 10 minuite. But they come in 10 minuite, not 20 minuite!